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Please download and return your completed application form, declarations and additional information
sheets to :

Or Post it to:

Richmond House Social Care Services CIC
96 Main Street, North Frodingham, East Riding of Yorkshire
YO25 8LJ


Fill the following online application and email your additional information to

Thank you!


Richmond House Social Care Services Vacancies 

Fill the application online or download it and send with other documents to

Preferred Location: East Riding, North Yorkshire, City of York, or Others:
Include Fulltime, Parttime, Casual
List down your availability, Time, Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night, Overnight, Weekends.
NOTE: After reading the Job Description carefully, consider what skills and experience you have that are suited to this post. If you need additional space please use a separate sheet.
Please record details of education attained and/or any further qualifications achieved. Use the format FROM - TO - QUALIFICATION OBTAINED. (please continue on a separate sheet if required)
This may be paid or unpaid. Please put most recent job first. Reason for leaving must be clearly stated. All periods of unemployment or gaps must be explained. Please describe your work experience beginning with your current or most recent job. Please elaborate further on your cover letter and/or resume, and the reason for leaving. Use the following format: JOB TITLE - NAME AND ADDRES OF EMPLOYER - FROM - TO - BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES - REASON FOR LEAVING, SALARY ON LEAVING
If offered a post you will be asked for original evidence of your qualifications and the House reserves the right to approach any number of education providers to verify qualifications stated. Use the format WHERE YOU STUDIED - SUBJECT - LEVEL - GRADE - DATE OF EXAM / AWARD
Professional Qualifications. Use the format Qualification Gained - Date of examination/award
Use the format Professional Body - Membership status - Registration number - Renewal date
Please name your current employer who can be contacted to provide references.
Please name a personal reference who can be contacted to provide references e.g. former employer, college tutor, other professionals – not friends or relatives.
Signed, Print name
Declarations of criminal records, cautions and convictions. Posts involving work which brings you in regular contact with children, vulnerable adults, people with disabilities and learning difficulties are exempt from the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (ROA). This means that you must disclose information about spent or unspent convictions or cautions when applying for this post, except where they are protected convictions and cautions as described in article 2A of the ROA Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975. Richmond House will check information relating to prospective employees through the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS). Having a criminal record will not necessarily prevent your employment. Please see the 'How to apply' guidance for further information about what you need to disclose to us.
Are you, or have you ever been, barred from working with, or been included on a list of people barred from working with, children, young people or vulnerable adults?
Have you ever been the subject of any proven/unproven investigation(s), complaints(s) in relation to your work with children, young people or vulnerable adults, whether in a paid or voluntary capacity of carried out privately?
Do you have any convictions, cautions, reprimands or final warnings that are not protected as defined by the ROA 1974 (Exceptions Order) 1975 (as amended in 2013)?
If your permission is limited, please provide full details of your immigration status, renewal dates and any other relevant information.
Richmond House Social Care Services is committed to equality and aims to ensure that everyone who works or applies to work for us is treated fairly and is not subjected to unlawful discrimination on grounds of their sex, age, race, ethnic or national origins, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, religion or belief, family responsibility, disability or political beliefs. Applications are welcome from all sections of the community. I understand my application may be rejected and/or I may be dismissed following appointment if I have given any false or misleading information or have withheld any relevant details. Print your name
The Disability Discrimination Act 2010 states that someone is disabled if they have a 'physical or mental impairment, which has a sustainable and long term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities'. Please see 'How to apply' guidance for further information. Print your name.
If you tick “Yes” ,please tick as many boxes below as apply:
Whilst the dates you provide will be taken into consideration, please note that it may not be possible to accommodate everyone's request when arranging interviews.
Please indicate any dates on which it would be impossible for you to attend an interview.
Thank you!
General Job Application
Senior Care Assistant - (CC1802) Job Description

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