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Richmond House 

Richmond House has the mandate to advocate for children and young people with disability and to achieve this: We listen and respond to the voices and experiences of children and young people. We advocate for children and young people for equal opportunities, participation and inclusion in the community. We inform children and young people, their families and caregivers about their rights and entitlements. We celebrate their successes and achievements.

Early support

Bespoke Care

Family Support & outreach

Clubs & Camps 0-7 | 8-18 | 19-25

Reablement Care

Transition Programme 11-18

Short Break Services

Education & Mainstream School

College Post 16

Richmond House offers a Family Outreach Worker. Do you need advice and support? Come & talk to a Family Outreach Worker. For more information or to book an appointment please contact the house on 01262 481518 or send an email to
Children with disabilities are one of the most marginalised and excluded groups of children across the world: compared to children living without disabilities, are less likely to go to school, more likely to be victims of violence, more likely to have poorer health, and more likely to be discriminated against and isolated from their communities. Richmond House is a caring organisation and a loud voice for children with disabilities to have a better life. Richmond House's team will be responsible for working at all levels of local authorities to achieve real change that benefits the children and young people with learning, mental disabilities, complex health needs and autism in the UK.
Our staff are knowledgeable and the committed team provides high-quality care.
Disabel girl in a wheelchair
Family Consultation
Girl in a weelchair
We believe that children should be recognised, respected, consulted and given choice. Children should have a good quality of life, are given equal chances and are able to live positive and productive lives. Our care plans are responsive to their needs and aim to promote growth and development in the following areas; health, life skills, personal identity, family, social relationships, emotional and behavioural development and wherever possible self-care skills, independence and helping individuals to reach their full potential.
All children and young people can play, develop and progress safely and freely. Each child is unique and their individual needs should be met and their potential developed regardless of their disability.Our purpose is to support over 45,000 children, young people with disabilities and their families in East Riding, North Yorkshire, City of York and the surrounding region; there is no other organisation dedicated to providing such an extensive range of services to disabled children and young people, irrespective of their impairment or condition.
Disabled child
Hrlping a child life skills

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